Heya! Juju and I just want to let you know we are safe, healthy and still practicing safe distancing. We realized that many of you may not be in the same, isolated place that we are experiencing, so we wanted to reach out and pull our Juju’s community together.

Let’s see if we can help fulfill the needs of our neighbor, whether it’s a laugh, a cry, a shoulder to do either of those on, toilet tissue, hand sanitizer, or pointing direction to those and any other resources we spot out in the world.
Even if it’s just digital right now, let’s connect with one another. Jump on Juju’s Facebook page and begin a dialogue for others to chime in on or simply comment on this post!
The Continuation of the Simple Baby Quilt How-To is Now Available!

Now that you have the complete how-to, spend your isolation time making a quilt! If you don’t have all the tools needed, here’s a convenient list from Amazon that you can order and have delivered right to your door!
Also, keep watch for the next episode “RV Facelift”, an interior painting project of our travel trailer we live in full-time, coming soon while we are still self-quarantining, just so we can have something else to keep us busy!