So my sister in love asked me to go to a class with her. Ya know, no big deal. Man did I have a blast and I really was not expecting that! I learned a new technique and enjoyed my time with her.
So many times I have been in this situation and I instantly start comparing myself to others and how can I make my item the best, like it is some kind of competition. This time I fought back those thoughts and told myself I am going to make something I love. Not something someone else would like. But something for me and my home. And ya know it really turned out perfect!
I thought about the colors in my home and what would really set the whole thing off. Below is what I started with.

I love the boundaries that were created with the precut lines so I thought “RAINBOW!” But not a normal one, one like a sunset which is one of my favorite things in life.

Now the technique is dry brushing, you use very little paint, and the oldest, nastiest, screwed up brush you have. It just has to be clean. There is a base coat of white so all the colors show up like I want them to. Others used a dark base coat and theirs is beautiful too!
Notice I changed one of the green colors before I started? The lime green was just not making me happy. It was the wrong tone compared to the other colors. Erin helped with that 🙂

I was in heaven! Something I love was coming alive! Then I saw the stencils! Omgoodness! They had the “home is where we park it!” I gasped and freaked the lady teaching out! I tried not to laugh too loud! Y’all! I live in a camper and it is painted in water colors and I love sunsets AND I can put a camper on it! It was like God put all this together for me to find!

The stencil part was super easy as long as you didn’t use too much paint when you start. Juju don’t do right there! Take it easy with the paint. You can always add more but you can’t take it off! I had to refrain from going crazy.

I did mess up with the word placement, the word “where” if I would have put it down a little I could have put the heart on where our home base is. Because I didn’t like the heart hanging off like I live on the beach…. But whatever, look at it! It’s beautiful!

I had to take off the hook they put on it as it was off center and I have command hooks for pictures. They worked perfect!
There you have it, one long drive to hang out with friends and my first piece to hang in my home. Now if I could just draw a little Sophie in the window of the RV lol!
I am working to get the info on the person who cuts the shapes out because I need more states of where I have lived and visited. I need that in my life! And I am overwhelmed by the people that have wanted me to make one for them! Y’all ROCK!
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